On December 15-17 of 1995, at the University of Cagliari, it was organized
the 2° International Well Being Reconciliation Forum on Navigating Global
Cultures: Strategies for the Well Being in the XXI Century by the
Interdepartmental Well Being Centre. The second symposium by looking at
the well-being as an openness to the richness of differences in the planet had
the aims to develop multi-disciplinary approaches to well-being, building
bridges across cultures through art, science and communication. The target of the second symposium was to
On October 13 of 1995, in the port of
Cagliari, it was held a press conference
by Franco Meloni on board the Elisabeth to present the next event planned for
the Ark of the Well Being in the island of S. Antioco, in the south west of
Sardinia. The new navigation event had the two purposes: the first one was to
promote the safeguarding of the living
masters of ancient wood Latin boats
under the risk of extinction of
these traditions as well as of others in Sardinia; the second one was to overcome
through art the physical limitation made...
On October 12 of 1995, Columbus Day, at the Palazzo
delle Scienze of the University of Cagliari, it was presented by Franco Meloni,
Sandro Dernini
and Francesco Corongiu, the departure of the Navigating Global Cultures project
made in collaboration with New York University and the Cooper Union. It was
performed an experimental internet face to face exchange conducted from
Cagliari to New York by George Chaikin and Guido Pegna. Then, Salvatore Naitza
presented the Voyage of the Nuraghic Ark of the Well Being.
On June 20 of 1995, in Cagliari, the “Comitato
Promotore Consortium Well Being Progetto Sardinia” was legally established
at the Well Being Interdepartimental Centre of the University of Cagliari by:
Giovanni Lilliu (chairperson of the Scientific Committee), Sandro Dernini
(chairperson of the Committee ),Franco Meloni (coordinator of the Well Being
Interdepartmental Centre), Salvatore
Naitza, Guido Pappalardo, Walter Porcedda, Pietro Zambelli, Paola Atzeni,
Marinella Ferrai Cocco Ortu and Giulio Concas...