1986 - Eve: The Departure of the Art Slaves Boat, CUANDO Culturas Unidas Aspireran Nuestro Destinos Original Cultural Community Civic Centre, Lower East Side New York
1987 -
Il Serpente di Pietra, First International Art Slaves Market Show, four days of Art and Science, Sa Itria Sanctuary, Gavoi, Sardinia
1987 - The Voyage of the Serpent Art Slaves Boat, Dakar
1988 - Open Call Plexus International Art Slavery Manifesto Group Shot, New York, Rome, Carloforte, Goree-Dakar
1988 - The Voyage of the Elisabeth Boat, Plexus Art Ship, Carloforte,Island of San Pietro, Sardinia
1988 - Plexus Serpent Artists Slaves Parade from the Medina to the House of the Slaves, Island of Goree, Dakar
1989 - Viaggio nel Pianeta Arte :
1992 Cristoforo Colombo, Metateatro, Rome