Eating Art Show, Sapienza University of Rome

From 29 September to 1 October of 2005, at the Atrium of the Rectorate Hall of the Sapienza University of Rome, the exposition pavillion EATING ART is organized by the Food Sciences Institute in collaboration with Plexus International Forum Onlus. the exposition pavilion “Eating Art” is  staged as a journey through the Italian food patrimony to underline the healthy lifestyle of the Mediterranean Diet. This initiative is made as a creative contribution to the recent recommendation by the European Commission for  common action on diet, physical activity and health. It will be presented as the continuation of the journey started with the Ark of Well-Being,  an on-line data base, created inside a multimedial installation, dedicated to the protection of the Mediterranean diet, which contains information regarding the nutrition value and qualitative characteristics of Mediterranean food products.  The exposition pavilion, created as a multimedia  event  will highlight the increasing erosion of the Mediterranean food heritage, and the passive behaviour which characterizes our daily lives.  On-line connections will also e made via the EuroMediterranean Network on Food Cultures  to allow in depth examination of specific themes. The Ark of Well-Being was first presented in Rome in 1996 at the Exposition Palace on the occasion of “Eating Art/Get the Best from Your Food/Food for All”, a special event  on the occasion of  the FAO World  Food Summit. Artworks by Hadassan Berry, Fabrizio Bertuccioli, Carlo Antonio Borghi, Marcello Brizzi, Bruno Canova, Eleonora Del Brocco, Nino De Luca, Antonello Dessi, Angelo Falciano, Roberto Maria Federici, Franco Ferrari, Venera Finocchiaro, Marco Fioramanti, Giorgio Fiume, Nicola Foggio Francica, Valerio Immi, Volker Klein, Ferdinando Lopez, Roberto Marino, Franco Massimo, Luisa Mazzullo, Vito Miroballi,  Raffaello Paiella, PierPaolo Pianigiani, Reinhardt Pfingst, Yoschinori Sakai, Anna Saba, Lillo Santoro, Simona Sarti, Fabrizio Serangeli, Micaela Serino.