We, as participants of the Columbus Reconciliation Forum, are making the following Open Call from San Pietro Island to the World:
1) The political and economic order of the past 500 years since the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Americas, having failed to bring about the necessary Reconciliation and Well Being of the people of the world, we, as individuals, call upon other individuals and communities to challenge the existing order.
2) In order to achieve the synthesis of cultures and the true understanding of differences which are converging in a new identity for human rights in the 21st Century, all people as individuals and communities must assume responsibility for the life of their community. Those nations that impose a racial identity are the primary obstacle to Reconciliation.
3) Unwarranted imposition by goverments and social and political organizations on individuals and communities must be avoided in order to enhance Human Rights, Dignity and Solidarity.
4) We declare that sustainable development obtained with full respect for natural resources, can guarantee an acceptable quality of life to the future generations of the world.
5) We are conscious that women of the third world, as well as other regions, are the key producers of the economy in their respective countries, but they are not involved in making decisive societal choices. This situation has resulted in the deterioration of their economic, social and health condition. We call for all necessary help for their Well Being.
6) We commit ourselves to the development of new channels of communication to make it possible for the people of all nations and cultures to conduct free and independent exchange as a means of “Reconciliation.“
7) We support individual and community projects dealing with Human Rights and Reconciliation.
Therefore we issue an OPEN CALL for the development of creative approaches to the empowerment of the individual and of the community.
We need alternative visions to attain the ROUTE CORRECTION necessary to bring about the true meaning of the CALL FOR RECONCILIATION and WELL BEING in the XXIst Century.
Carloforte, Sardinia, Italy
11 October 1992