SOS Sardegna Open Space, Cagliari

From November 25 to December 3 of 1994, in Cagliari, Andrea Portas organized with Rolando Politi the art show “S.O.S. Sardegna Open Space. Out of Gallery into the Gallery”, where Sandro Dernini was invited to present  the Plexus Black Box. At the Gallery La Bacheca,  it was staged  individual art projects by Rolando Politi, Jorge Luis Rodriguez, Andrew Castrucci; and the collective art projects “Your House is Mine” by Book & Street project 1988-1992; “International Art Summit” by 2° Art+Walk – 10on8 N.Y.C. 1994; and “ Packaged Goods” an exhibition of artist made packaged objects.  At the “Amici del Libro”, it was held a program of debates and conference on “Culture Jamming”, Packaged Goods”, “Packaging Art”  and “Recycling Art”.  At the Alternative Space, in Pirri, it was held “Plexus Black Box” by Sandro Dernini. It was closed with the launching of the “Colombina Reconciliation Project Plexus Recall Message N.2”, recalling the creative approach and alternative vision of the 1992 Columbus Open Call for Reconciliation, and presenting a World Health Organization statement in which was stressed that all humans around the world were a single interdependent worldwide specie.