The Voyage of the Elisabeth, Ark of the Well Being, S. Antioco, Sardinia

On October 13 of 1995, in the port of Cagliari,  it was held a press conference by Franco Meloni on board the Elisabeth to present the next event planned for the Ark of the Well Being in the island of S. Antioco, in the south west of Sardinia.  The new navigation event  had the two purposes: the first one was to promote the safeguarding of  the living masters of ancient wood Latin boats  under  the risk of extinction of these traditions as well as of others in Sardinia; the second one was  to overcome through art the physical limitation made by a low bridge that was compromising the sustainable development of the local economy by not allowing medium size tourist boats to arrive inside the tourist port of S. Antioco. On 15 October,  the Elisabeth boat arrived in front to the bridge of port of S. Antioco carrying on the sea water the artwork  Memory of the 5 Continents by Piero Cianflone and 5 old wood Latin boats arrived in front to the Elisabeth boat and picked up the Memory of the 5 Continents to be carried for a public debate inside the tourist port, conducted by the Mayor of S. Antioco, Pippo Puggioni, Alberto Soi and Sandro Dernini.   As closing act,  it was issued the Open Call Small Islands of Europe Connect Yourseselves, New Frontiers of the Life Quality. After during the week, it was held by Guido pegna a internet training seminar for students.