On October 13 of 1993, in New York, at the
Nuyorican Poets Café, in the Lower East Side, The Repatriation of Art into the Community was performed by Sandro Dernini, Franco
Meloni, Rolando Politi, Anna Saba,
Antonello Dessi, Patricia
Nicholson Parker, Annamaria Janin, Giovanna Caltagirone, Andrea Portas, David Boyle. It was made as a
ritual procession conducted by Jose Rodriguez who carryied a copy of Mickey
Pinero's American Indian chief statuette of the Nuyorican Poets Cafè that at
the end of the procession met the original statuette, hold by Louis Griffith at
the center of the stage of the Cafè, as a recall of the 1984 In order to
Survive Call made in front to the Shuttle Theatre against the
gentrification of the Lower East Side.
From November 3 to 15 of 1993, at the NYU Rosenberg Gallery,
it was held The Living Plexus Black Box
of “The Voyage of the Elisabeth, the last Plexus art event to be inquired
by Sandro Dernini
within the time limitation of his Ph.D. study. This event took the form of a
two weeks Atelier des Arts performance,
curated by Frank Pio and Sandro Dernini. The two weeks of Plexus events at the
Rosenberg Art Gallery tested the possibility to develop further some already
existing channels of communication with cultural and artists organizations in
the Lower East Side...
October 12 of 1993, on the Columbus Day, at St. John Divine Cathedral in New
York, it was staged The 1993 Columbus-Marconi Open Call for the
Well Being in the XXI Century, as an art event calling support for the
organization in 1995 of the 2° Well Being Reconciliation Forum, on the occasion
of the Marconi’s 100 Years Radio
Celebrations. It was performed by Sandro Dernini, Maria Pia Marsala, Miguel Algarin,
Lorenzo Pace, Patricia Parker, Joanee Freedom, David Boyle, Alfa Diallo, Jose
Rodriguez, Giorgetta Stonefish, Andrea Grassi, Franco Meloni, Anna Saba, Antonello Dessi, Guido Pegna and
Andrea Portas.
In October of 1993, in New York, on the
occasion of the first anniversary of the 1992 Columbus Reconciliation Forum,
Franco Meloni, Anna Saba, Antonello Dessi, Guido Pegna, Alessandra Menesini,
Andrea Portas, Annamaria Janin, Giovanna Caltagirone, Amat di Salfilippo (from
the family that hold the Colombina boat) arrived from Sardinia. The Dean of the
School of Sciences of the University of Cagliari, prof. Francesco Corongiu, was
with them for a series of meetings at NYU and with the International Well Being
and Reconciliation Committee.
On July 1 of 1993, it was
held at the NYU Rosenberg Gallery the final exhibition of the Summer Institute Cultural Navigation: The Lower East Side”,
directed by David Ecker, with students' presentations, among others, of Frank
Pio, Luis Vergara, Perry Parker and Sandro Dernini with the participation of Lower East
Side artists Linus Coraggio, The Rivington School, Rolando Politi, Alfa
Diallo, who had interacted with students
activities. In the early 1993, David
Ecker had invited Sandro
Dernini to join him for his Ph.D. study in the development...